I don't do revenge. I delete people."  ...by romanian author Adrian Dumitru

I don't do revenge. I delete people."  ...by romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Blog Article




I would say ... that revenge is almost a normal thing .... today.

Many people ... revenge.

In all sorts of ways.

... no matter of age.

Honestly ... i had this habit too.

And ... today .... I do it more and more often.

Of course... like an idiot.

In fact ... like many, many other idiots.

... from any corner of this world.

The funny thing is that i know ... it's ridiculous ... so i convince myself to stop doing that.

I meditate ... and ...

Sometimes ... I really stop myself ... but my unconscious ... don't really allow me ... to stop.

So ... randomly .... from time to time ... i see myself doing lots of stupid things ... against many people.

Paradoxically ... there are moments when i do things ... even against myself ... and especially to my soul.

For one million reasons ... which i can't clearly understand.

I try ... but i can't.

... even if i meditate ... a lot.


But ... the passing of time .... made me wiser.

Seeing my own spiritual stupidity ... realising i'll never be able to really stop myself ... i simply ... delete those people from my life.

Not saying a word.

Not even one explanation.

Yes ... i delete them.

And .... I am so, so happy ... I've decided to do that ... cause like that ... there is no one to revenge on.

Then .... my life continues calmly.

The trick ... really works.

So ... I don't have enemies anymore.

Only ... that unfortunately ... sometimes they reappear into my mind ... but again .... I try to speak with myself and remind to my stupid brain .... that I've already punished all those characters ... deleting them from the stage of life.

I mean ... my stage of life.

The only one that actually matters.




Download the book ”DISCONNECTING

... seen as un amazing trick for a beautiful life

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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Apple Books - https://books.apple.com/ro/book/disconnecting/id6657977255


or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com


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