Dare to change the world even if you are ... nobody … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Dare to change the world even if you are ... nobody … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article




During the time i had different problems with the authorities and had to fight with them so that i can solve those problems.

And not only once.

It was kind of a war ... David and Goliath.

And ... i won.

I was dealing with ordinary people that had an army behind their back.

Their ego was looking like Himalaya and looked like nothing could stop them to beat me.

I was trying to change the world ... from the position of being ... nobody.

A guy, from the military services even asked me ... “Do you expect me to be empathic with you?!”

Of course he did not had this ability ... cause he only loved the advantages of being in that public position ... and did not care about anyone ... except him.

I hated his question for about 2-3 seconds and then i realized that i don’t even need his support.

I invested a lot of energy to fight against those people ... that did not had the power to be empathic with the people that they had to help.

But i had the power to fight and win all the battles with them.

In the end ... after everything became only a strange episode of my life ... i realized that part of that energy that helped me to fight with those people ... was a negative energy.

I was disliking and hating them.

Then i thought about Mahatma Gandhi and how he fought at that time with the British Empire.

He only used the power of his words.

He did not used violence ... not even in his messages to all the people involved into the revolution.

In the British Parliament when he was speaking in front of the most important authorities from London ... he was getting their applauds.

He was their enemy and India was a very important colony for them ... but still ... he got the applauds.


Today if i analyze my attitude i am not totally happy about the way i tried to change the public system when i had problems with them.

I would love to improve this attitude and act in the style that Gandhi used to act.

But i still have this message ... dare to change the world even if you are ... nobody.










Download the book ”THE ILLUSION OF CHANGE Statistic shows that we only replace a reality with a similar one” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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